Friday 20 March 2015

Bahasa Inggris : Recount Text : My Best Friend

My Best Friend, Fisat

In Senior high school, I had best friend from Jepang. His name was Fisat. He was handsome, smart, and low profile. Because of that, many people loved her, included of me. Even though he was from foreign country that considered by many students he would be arrogant, but Fisat was different. He was a good boy.
          Fisat and I became good friend each other. I was really glad having friend like Fisat, although he was from rich family and I wasn’t. He enjoyed having a friend like me and there was no problem, for Fisat, to share everything to me. For the example, when he had something, like knowledge, foods, or even gifts, he would share to me. Then, I did the same thing like his, if my mom made a food in which my mom usually made a traditional food, I would share that food to Fisat. We ate together, we had fun together.
          One day, I was invited by Fisat’s family to attend Fisat’s birthday. I came to the building where he held his birthday party. I was very surprised when I looked to the building. It  was very luxurious and the entry had a quite beautiful decoration. I felt afraid to go inside. So, I only waited on the outside of the building, more precisely, I stood by the fence. After several minutes, I saw Fisat went out from the building. Oh my god!, he saw me. Soon after that, he came to me and asked why I did not come in. I did not answer, I only smiled. Then, he said to me that her birthday would not be started without me. I was very touched in hearing that and I hugged her. Then, Fisat and I came in. Many guests had arrived and suddenly they looked at Fisat and me. I was very shy. Then, the party started. Before that, Fisat’s parents introduced me to the guests that I was the best friend of her son.
          Furthermore, the thing that made me surprise that Fisat’s family wanted me follow them to holiday in Japan next month. Off course I want because it must be interesting experience. Many people gave applause to me and Fisat’s family. I was so touched and on that place I wanted to cry. I was fortunate having friend like Fisat and knew Fisat’s family well.

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